What inspired you to become a yoga teacher and how did you get started?
For as long as I remember, I have been passionate about moving my body in various ways – at times it was for superficial and short term goals, or a distraction from the stresses of life. Since then I have also started to appreciate more simple things like listening to my body and paying attention to what it needs. I had my favorite teachers whose classes I didn’t want and still don’t want to miss. They were the ones who challenged me beyond my comfort zone and taught me something new. I started dreaming of one day being able to do what my teachers have done for me. During the pandemic, I finally found the courage and decided to embark on my own teaching journey and haven’t looked back since. Receiving positive feedback motivated me to do more and engage in further training. Life still gets hectic sometimes with a full time job and teaching, but I know I’m on the right path and will continue to grow and learn as a teacher.

Full Body Pilates Flow with Mari
This low impact full body Pilates course is broken down into specialized sections that allow you to focus on proper alignment and form in each exercise, helping you to deepen and get more out of your practice. The sections can be performed separately or combined into a full Pilates class.