Carole Chappuis
200-Hour Teacher Training – Area of Expertise: TTC Coordinator & Sequencing
What is your purpose in life and how does it benefit others in your community?
As I ponder on my purpose of life, I am filled with a sense of profound gratitude. My purpose is a beautiful, ever-evolving journey that takes me to infinite possibilities. What fills my heart is my connection to my community, especially within Yoga Flame. It is part of my essence to create events that bring us all together so that we can develop a sense of synergy, evolve and share moments together.
Nothing makes me happier than the pure magic of connecting people and seeing them bond is a feeling that truly touches my soul, seeing people sharing a common interest and sparking lively conversations, hearing laughter erupting in a room or seeing the wonder and awe in someone’s face as they meet a new teacher.
To me, life is all about fostering connections, building relationships and growing as individuals. I am deeply committed to creating an environment that brings together members and shares their talents, skills, and passions to make this world a better place.

Pack de Yoga Prénatal avec Christelle
Pour vivre ta grossesse plus sereinement, te connecter à ton corps et à ton bébé, je te propose quelques séquences adaptées à la physiologie et spécialement créées pour les femmes enceintes. Ces séquences sont basées sur la méthode Bernadette De Gasquet, recommandée pour l’accompagnement physiologique de la femme enceinte. Tu trouveras dans ce pack, quelques séquences de yoga dynamiques, des séquences plus douces, des séquences ciblées selon les maux de grossesse : mal de dos, besoin de créer…
CHF 70