What does “inclusiveness” mean to you and how do you support it within a yoga studio?
Inclusiveness in yoga means for me making every student feel accepted and creating a safe space where everyone can be fully present in their practice and explore mouvement without feeling judged, excluded or out of place. No one should at any point feel obliged to take a certain pose or do a certain transition, no one should ever feel like a yoga class if a competition: giving variations and modifications is for me one of the key elements of including every person. We all are different, with different bodies, and our own body and energy level changes every day. We all are in different moments of our journey and everyone should feel encouraged to listen to their bodies, take their practice into their own hands, adapt and honor where they are on that given day. The mat for me is a beautiful place to explore, move in full freedom and have fun!

Pack de Yoga Prénatal avec Christelle
Pour vivre ta grossesse plus sereinement, te connecter à ton corps et à ton bébé, je te propose quelques séquences adaptées à la physiologie et spécialement créées pour les femmes enceintes. Ces séquences sont basées sur la méthode Bernadette De Gasquet, recommandée pour l’accompagnement physiologique de la femme enceinte. Tu trouveras dans ce pack, quelques séquences de yoga dynamiques, des séquences plus douces, des séquences ciblées selon les maux de grossesse : mal de dos, besoin de créer…
CHF 70