What sparked your Pilates journey and how did it begin?
From a young age, sports have been a big part of my life, with a deep passion for volleyball that led me to play at a competitive level. After transitioning from my athletic career, I embarked on a transformative quest that introduced me to the practices of Yoga and Pilates. This exploration opened my cognition to shift my focus from physical practice to embracing a holistic lifestyle.
In Pilates, I cultivate an approach rooted in precision, control, and alignment, guiding individuals to build strength and stability with grace. On the other hand, my Yoga practice invites exploration and freedom, emphasizing mindfulness, presence, and discipline as pathways to self-discovery. I enjoy both practices deeply and have found a way to combine their principles with my own unique approach.
Today, I would like to inspire others to find harmony in their lives, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether you seek strength through creative movements or liberation through mindful exploration, I am here to support you on every step of your journey.
Pack de Yoga Prénatal avec Christelle
Pour vivre ta grossesse plus sereinement, te connecter à ton corps et à ton bébé, je te propose quelques séquences adaptées à la physiologie et spécialement créées pour les femmes enceintes. Ces séquences sont basées sur la méthode Bernadette De Gasquet, recommandée pour l’accompagnement physiologique de la femme enceinte. Tu trouveras dans ce pack, quelques séquences de yoga dynamiques, des séquences plus douces, des séquences ciblées selon les maux de grossesse : mal de dos, besoin de créer…
CHF 70